Saturday, August 23, 2008

Importance Of Social Networking & Blogging Online

One has to wonder how we ever connected or communicated with others before the world wide web. It was truly a different world back then. I talk about it like it was 50 years ago, when in reality it has only been in the last 5 to 10 years that we really started to put our focus on the computer for socially connecting with others.

Blogging sites, social networking sites, article directories, RSS aggregators, video directories continue to grow in number as they all become a more and more popular means of connecting with people and businesses all over the world. It is no longer limited to just the teenage crowd conversing with friends from school. It has grown on a much much larger scale.

Major corporations use article writing, blogging, and videos as a way to promote their business to the millions of people online. Network marketers depend solely on this online crowd to communicate their online business to the world...and doing it very effectively! As people continue to spend their time online, no one knows how large, and important this industry will become in another 10 years!

Aside from the popular Facebook and MySpace, I have listed a few accounts that have been a very successful means of communicating to the outside world for myself. And the great thing about it, is that they are all free accounts. So click on the links below, and have a look around. It won't cost you anything to sign up, join in, connect with others, and get your message out there to the rest of the world.














  • After checking out the links above, I think you will agree that this method of network connecting to others could be very beneficial to you, as well as the business you are promoting.

    Larry Buhrandt

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